May 08, 2011

This blog could be called pics from the archipelago

Since that's all I have to offer right now. (Please tell me when you get tired of it.)

A day's work.
Mufflor! Don't know the english name for these funny animals, (half deer, half sheep or something), that only live in certain places in the archipelago. For the longest time I thought the stories were a joke played on newcomers on the island (sounded too much like Möhköfantti), but no, they do exist!
Nighttime silence and darkness. Only for a few hours, though.
Eight months was enough to forget my roots - clearly, I don't know how to sauna bathe anymore. Steamed off the skin on my fingers (here, most of it is still on..) and spent a long night with my hand in a bucket of cold water. But I learned something; apparently honey is a good remedy.
The easiest, and the best of lunches - in the sunshine where everything tastes better.
When I was a kid, I used to pick these (or the blue ones) on Mother's day as a present. This year, a picture will have to do (but you were in my thoughts, dear Mom!). Happy Mother's day everyone!


  1. usch, mitä sun sormille/kädelle/iholle siis tapahtui? ja miten? ja miksi? :o

  2. Olin innokas saunoja ja nojauduin vähän liian lähelle löylyä heittäessä -> höyry poltti käden ja kolme sormea rakoille :( ihan omaa hölmöyttä kyllä, arvaa harmittiko! Mutta toi hunaja kannattaa muistaa - se oikesti auttoi ihan tosi paljon!
