Tänkte skriva lite om det gångna året, sådär som bloggare tycks göra (vet inte om det riktigt hör till den här bloggen, men what the hell..). Ett litet titt på vad allt jag yrade med..
I januari tillbringade jag hela månaden i Thailand (med Figge, Cia, Tumppi, Jan och Henkka), första "backpacking"-resan för mig. Det var en skön, skön resa, och senast då fick jag (om jag inte alltid haft den) en stark lust för att göra en längre resa, en sån där man åker dit näsan pekar och så vidare. (Lite visste jag då.. men vi återkommer till det!)
I spent January in Thailand, my first backpacking-trip ever. It was a really cool holiday, and if I didn't have it before, at least after that trip I got the spark to go for a longer travel, going where my nose is pointing kind of thing. Little did I now at the time..
I februari funderade jag på vart jag skulle söka för utbyte. Tack vare ett tips (eller en åsikt "Om jag skulle söka, skulle jag definitivt söka till Singapore". Puss på dig Niko!) satt jag Singapore som det första alternativet, bara sådär för att testa (trodde ju aldrig att jag skulle få platsen!) - visste egentligen inte ens var landet låg (hade ju en ungefärlig bild) för att inte tala om annat. Annars gick månaden väl mest åt att studera.
In February I was wondering where to apply for my exchange semester. Thanks to a tip (or more like an opinion, "If I was applying, I would definitely go to Singapore!") I put Singapore as my first alternative, just to see if I could get it - didn't have much faith, since the place was so popular. I really didn't even know (exactly, I had a vague idea) where the country was, not to mention anything else about it. Other than that, I think I was mostly studying the rest of the month..
I mars firades min kusin Mariannes och Markos bröllop med New York-tema - en sjukt rolig kväll (bland annat bjöd jag min syster på hennes första shot - hot shot, nomnom)! Studerandet fortsatte mer eller mindre effektivt. Och sedan åkte jag till Hemavan, Sverige (med Ansku, Figge, Wille, Jonte, Kalle och Björn) för en vecka av snoukkande. Resande tog för evigt (vi körde ju bara 100km, eller vad det var, åt fel håll!). Lyssnade på den här sången,
drack en massa kakao och vin, snoukkade (de flesta) dagarna långa både on och off pist.. En till skön, skön resa!
In March my cousin Marianne married Marko, a really fun wedding where I, among other things, bought my sister her very first shot (mm, hot shot). Studying continued more or less efficiently. And then I traveled to Hemavan, Sweden, for a week of snowboarding. The trip took forever, driving through Finland and across Sweden (and expecially long since we drove about 100km or something to the wrong direction!). We were listening to this song (look above), drank a lot of hot chocolate and wine, snowboarded most of the days both on and off pist - a perfect trip!
drack en massa kakao och vin, snoukkade (de flesta) dagarna långa både on och off pist.. En till skön, skön resa!
In March my cousin Marianne married Marko, a really fun wedding where I, among other things, bought my sister her very first shot (mm, hot shot). Studying continued more or less efficiently. And then I traveled to Hemavan, Sweden, for a week of snowboarding. The trip took forever, driving through Finland and across Sweden (and expecially long since we drove about 100km or something to the wrong direction!). We were listening to this song (look above), drank a lot of hot chocolate and wine, snowboarded most of the days both on and off pist - a perfect trip!
Den första april fick jag veta att jag fått platsen i Singapore, och då slogs också planen för våren 2011 fast - ledig ledig ledig. Alltså skulle utbytet på fyra månader följas av fyra månaders resande. Våren började närma sig, jag firade med ett veckoslut i Stockholm med mamma och Silva, toastade (Herr&)Dam-sitzen med Ansku och Karin och tittade alldeles för mycket på True Blood. Cykeln kom fram och däcket fixades, och jag fick jätte fina gummistövlar. Studerandet fortsatte ännu en stund, med några nätter som spenderades i skolan.
First of April was the day I found out that I got the place in Singapore, and that's when the plan for the spring of 2011 was decided - I was to be free as a bird! That means, after four months of exchange I was to travel four more months. The spring grew closer, and I celebrated it with a weekend-trip to Stockholm with my mom and Silva, was the toastmaster of the Ladies-dinner and watched way too much True Blood. My bike came out after sleeping the winter in the cellar and I got a pair of really cool rubber boots. Studying continued with a few nights spent at the uni.
First of April was the day I found out that I got the place in Singapore, and that's when the plan for the spring of 2011 was decided - I was to be free as a bird! That means, after four months of exchange I was to travel four more months. The spring grew closer, and I celebrated it with a weekend-trip to Stockholm with my mom and Silva, was the toastmaster of the Ladies-dinner and watched way too much True Blood. My bike came out after sleeping the winter in the cellar and I got a pair of really cool rubber boots. Studying continued with a few nights spent at the uni.
I maj var det dags för en resa igen, den här gången till Nice. Vi åkte med ett urval från utvidgade familjen; jag, Silva, pappa, Sara, Fia, Mummo och Mommo. Ett långt veckoslut i en ljuvlig stad - mycket rosévin, promenader, utsiker, middagar, några utekvällar jag sent glömmer.. Perfekt! Lite senare måste jag operera bort alla fyra visdomständerna på en gång och såg ut som en hamster i närmare en vecka.
In May it was time for another trip, this time to Nice. We traveled with a mixed representation of the extended family; me, Silva, my dad, my dad's girlfriend Sara, her daughter Fia, our grandma and their grandma. A long weekend in a lovely city - a lot of rosé-wine, long walks, beautiful views, dinners, a few nights out I won't forget in a while .. perfect! A little later I had to pull out all four of my wisdom teeth at once and looked like a hamster for almost a week.
In May it was time for another trip, this time to Nice. We traveled with a mixed representation of the extended family; me, Silva, my dad, my dad's girlfriend Sara, her daughter Fia, our grandma and their grandma. A long weekend in a lovely city - a lot of rosé-wine, long walks, beautiful views, dinners, a few nights out I won't forget in a while .. perfect! A little later I had to pull out all four of my wisdom teeth at once and looked like a hamster for almost a week.
I juni blev staden bara varmare och varmare, men jag satt fortfarande av någon konstig orsak med en bunt tenter framför mig. Det fixade sig, och så hade jag över ett års sommarlov (om man inte räknar med lite sommarjobb) framför mig. Köpte biljetterna till Singapore och försökte mitt bästa med att fixa allt annat pappersarbete som krävdes för utbytet (men var sen med det mesta, tack och lov gick allt bra ändå). Jobbandet var skönt, tre till fyra dagar i veckan, så kunde vara så mycket som möjligt i Nagu. Midsommarfirande blev "reivit luodolla vol 2" (även om jag inte var med om vol 1 förra året).
In June the city got warmer and warmer, but for some weird reason I still had a few exams left. They were soon over, and so I had over a year of holiday (if you don't count a few months of summer work) ahead of me. I bought tickets to Singapore and tried my best to fix all of the paperwork needed for the exchange - usually being late with everything. Work was easy, three or four days a week, so I had a lot of time in Nagu, at our summer cottage in the Finnish Archipelago. The midsummers party turned to "rave at the islet - the sequel" after something similar last year.
In June the city got warmer and warmer, but for some weird reason I still had a few exams left. They were soon over, and so I had over a year of holiday (if you don't count a few months of summer work) ahead of me. I bought tickets to Singapore and tried my best to fix all of the paperwork needed for the exchange - usually being late with everything. Work was easy, three or four days a week, so I had a lot of time in Nagu, at our summer cottage in the Finnish Archipelago. The midsummers party turned to "rave at the islet - the sequel" after something similar last year.
Juli fortsatte lika varm. Hade en av sommarens skönaste dagarna då vi körde båten från Nagu till Hangö för regattan, följd av ett superroligt veckoslut med en passlig mix av sol, hav, vänner, fest, grillning (med minigrillen! Och inte att glömma, den exploderande termosen!), häng, sim, bastu och yrande. Efteråt fick jag angina, som kombinerat med veckoslutet gav århundradets vätskebrist. Uj. Blev snabbt frisk, och sommarfesterna fortsatte med Nagustock - i större skala än året före det (och nästa år i ännu större, ait?). Hann med någon kräftis och en och annan avskedsfest (inklusive min egen) före det blev augusti.
July continued as warm, no, hot! Spent one of the summers nicest days on the sea when we drove the boat from Nagu to Hangö for the annual regatta, followed by a really fun weekend with a nice mix of sun, sea, friends, party, grilling (on the minigrill! Not to forget the exploading thermos - note to self, don't try to boil eggs in one..), hanging around, swimming, sauna and just plain fun. Right after, however, I got angina, which combined with the weekend of partying caused the worst dehydration of the century. Ugh. But I recovered quickly, just in time for the next summer-party, Nagustock (like, you know, Woodstock..). I even had time for a few crayfish-parties and a couple of goodbye-parties, including my own, before the month turned to August.
July continued as warm, no, hot! Spent one of the summers nicest days on the sea when we drove the boat from Nagu to Hangö for the annual regatta, followed by a really fun weekend with a nice mix of sun, sea, friends, party, grilling (on the minigrill! Not to forget the exploading thermos - note to self, don't try to boil eggs in one..), hanging around, swimming, sauna and just plain fun. Right after, however, I got angina, which combined with the weekend of partying caused the worst dehydration of the century. Ugh. But I recovered quickly, just in time for the next summer-party, Nagustock (like, you know, Woodstock..). I even had time for a few crayfish-parties and a couple of goodbye-parties, including my own, before the month turned to August.
I augusti var det dags att packa sitt hem (lavoaren lossnade sista dagen), flytta ut (och låta Thomas och Kaisa flytta in) och hoppa på ett plan till Singapore. Det mesta (eller egentligen helt pikulite, men det är så svårt att skriva om allt) har ni läst om här - hittade ett ljuvligt hem med kul roomies, reste till Indonesien för första gången, bekantade mig med nya staden och nya skolan.
In August I had to pack up my life, my home (and break the sink on the last day), move out and jump on a plane to Singapore. Most of what happened then (or actually, just a little bit of it - it's so hard to write about "everything") you have, or can, read about in the blog - but basically I found a nice home with wonderful roomies, traveled to Indonesia for the first time and started to get to know the new city and the new school.
I september började jag känna mig mer och mer som hemma. Åkte till Malesien för första gången, på ett kort dyknings-veckoslut tillsammans med andra utisar. Planerade andra resor. Såg på en massa HIMYM med mina roomies. Måste skaffa en ny telefon (nr. 2) för den gamla gick sönder. Kände lite av vardagen, skapade egna rutiner. Svimmade en gång i metron, andra gången (nästan) på Formel 1:an - efter det började jag bli van med hettan (eller lärde mig dricka tillräckligt med vatten). Skulle åka till Tioman men hamnade i fel buss och vaknade i Melaka. Hade plötsligt gjort av med halva utbytestiden - men insåg inte ännu hur snabbt även resten skulle gå!
In September I started to feel more and more like home. Traveled to Malaysia for the first time, for a weekend of diving together with other local and exchange students. I planned some other trips and watched loads of How I Met Your Mother with my roomies. Had to get a new phone (nr. 2) because the old one broke. Got a feel of the everyday life in Singapore, developed some own daily or weekly routines. Lost consciousness in the MRT once and another time (almost) during the F1 - after that I got used to the heat (or learned to drink enough water). Was on my way to Tioman but got in the wrong bus and woke up in Melaka. And all of the sudden half of my exchange semester was over - but I didn't yet realize how fast the rest of it would go as well!
I oktober åkte jag till Bali för surfande och till Koh Phangan för Full Moon-party. Vad överlycklig av att vara hemma igen efteråt, hemma i Singapore. Tappade telefonen, skaffade en ny (nr. 3). Fick nästan en hjärtattack tack vare kackerlackan i lavoaren i badrummet (och väckte precis alla i lägenheten med mitt skrik). Tack och lov att jag blev räddad av min modiga kompis. Hade en trevlig middag hemma, överlycklig för att få laga mat igen efter en lång paus. Fick ett nytt jobb. Hade en ljuvlig kväll på Blujaz, en kväll som blev en början för mer saker än jag kunde ana.
In October I traveled to Bali for surfing and to Koh Phangan for the Full Moon-party. I was so happy to be back home, home in Singapore, after the trips. Lost my phone, got a new one (nr. 3). Almost got a heart-attack because of a cockroach in the sink in our bathroom - woke up the whole appartment with my scream but was luckily saved by my brave flatmate. Organized a nice dinner at our place, happy that I was cooking again after a long break. Had a wonderful evening at Blujaz, a night that became a start for more things than I could have imagined at the time.
In October I traveled to Bali for surfing and to Koh Phangan for the Full Moon-party. I was so happy to be back home, home in Singapore, after the trips. Lost my phone, got a new one (nr. 3). Almost got a heart-attack because of a cockroach in the sink in our bathroom - woke up the whole appartment with my scream but was luckily saved by my brave flatmate. Organized a nice dinner at our place, happy that I was cooking again after a long break. Had a wonderful evening at Blujaz, a night that became a start for more things than I could have imagined at the time.
I november slog vi fast reseplanerna med Fanny. Firade min födelsedag i bästa sällskapet, med grillfest i ösregn och en kaka med mitt namn på. Måste jobba hårt för skolan för första gången - men bara för ett tag. Såg några tuffa gigs, några kvällar som blev oförglömliga. Måste säga alldeles för många goodbyes, för ju närmare det drog sig mot december, destu närmare led utbytet mot sitt slut. Men fick Fanny som sällskap för sista veckan, vilket tröstade en del. Åt brunch, gick i Botaniska trädgården. Wakeboardade, låg på den konstgjorda stranden, såg på regnet. Och mycket mer och inte riktigt i denna ordning.
In November we decided on our travel plans with Fanny, last minute as usual. I spent my birthday in the best of company, with a BBQ in pouring rain and with a cake with my name on it (can't get over it!). Had to work hard for uni for the first time - but only for a short while. Saw a couple of cool gigs, followed by nights I won't forget. Had to say way too many goodbyes, since the closer it got to December, the closer it got to the end of the exchange. But got Fanny to keep me company for the last week, which made it a little bit easier. Had brunch, walked in the Botanical gardens. Wakeboarded, sunbathed on the man-made beach, watched the rain. And a lot of other things and not exactly in this order.
In November we decided on our travel plans with Fanny, last minute as usual. I spent my birthday in the best of company, with a BBQ in pouring rain and with a cake with my name on it (can't get over it!). Had to work hard for uni for the first time - but only for a short while. Saw a couple of cool gigs, followed by nights I won't forget. Had to say way too many goodbyes, since the closer it got to December, the closer it got to the end of the exchange. But got Fanny to keep me company for the last week, which made it a little bit easier. Had brunch, walked in the Botanical gardens. Wakeboarded, sunbathed on the man-made beach, watched the rain. And a lot of other things and not exactly in this order.
I december lämnade jag Singapore bakom mig för första gången (och tappade min telefon, skaffade en ny, nr. 4). Åkte till Borneo med Fanny och Niku, träffade Ryyb. Klättrade Mt Kinabalu, dök i Sipadan. Sa hejdå till killarna, gjorde rafting på Padas river. Sa hejdå till Fanny efter ljuvliga två veckor tillsammans, åkte med fjärilar i magen till Philippinerna. Konstaterade att resande där är tugnt, även i det bästa sällskapet. Tog det lugnt, njöt, dök lite. Flög tillbaka till Singapore för att träffa familjen (och glömde min telefon i taxin - som tur fick jag den tillbaka, så telefon nr. 5 får ännu vänta ett tag!). Skrattade och grät då jag såg min syster. Visade dem runt i staden, utan att ta stress över turistiga grejjer - koncentrerade mig på mina favoritställen. Hade den mest annorlunda, men bästa julen på ett tag. Flög på juldagen, utan ett minuts sömn från natten före det, till Manado, Sulawesi (Indonesien) med tårar i ögonen - ville inte lämna staden som blivit mitt hem. Spenderade sista veckan av året på ett lugnt, tyst, avlägset dykarställe, där det enda jag gjort är att dyka, sova och äta - skönt och precis vad jag behövde efter de intensiva veckorna före det. Blev rescue diver där emellan. Och nu skall jag dricka ett glas champagne (som pappa köpt på flygfältet) på en tom strand, och knappast något annat (för jag är inte säker om det finns något här), packa min rinkka för att sedan, första grej nästa år, flyga till Hong Kong.
I left Singapore behind me for the first time in December (and lost my phone, got a new one, nr. 4). Traveled to Borneo with Fanny, Niklas and met Ryyb there. Climbed Mt Kinabalu, dove in Sipadan. Said goodbye to the guys, did some rafting at Padas river. Said bye to Fanny after two wonderful weeks together, flew with butterflies in my stomach to the Philippines. Established that it is tough to travel around there, even with the best of company. Took it easy, enjoyed, dove a little. Flew back to Singapore to meet my family (and forgot my phone in the cab - luckily I got it back this time, so phone nr. 5 will have to wait for a while longer). Laughed and cried at the same time when I saw my sister. Showed them around the city, without taking any stress over the touristy stuff - focused on my favourite spots instead. Had the most different, but one of the best Christmases in a while. Flew to Manado, Sulawesi on Christmas day, without a minute of sleep from that night and with tears in my eyes - didn't want to leave the city that had become my home. Spent the last week of the year at this quiet, relaxing, distant dive resort, where the only thing I've done is diving, sleeping and eating - nice and just what I needed after the busy weeks before this. Became a rescue diver along the way. And now I'm going to have a glass of champagne (that we bought at the airport) at the empty beach, but hardly anything else (sinse I'm not sure they have anything else here..), pack by backpack and then, first thing next year, fly to Hong Kong.
I left Singapore behind me for the first time in December (and lost my phone, got a new one, nr. 4). Traveled to Borneo with Fanny, Niklas and met Ryyb there. Climbed Mt Kinabalu, dove in Sipadan. Said goodbye to the guys, did some rafting at Padas river. Said bye to Fanny after two wonderful weeks together, flew with butterflies in my stomach to the Philippines. Established that it is tough to travel around there, even with the best of company. Took it easy, enjoyed, dove a little. Flew back to Singapore to meet my family (and forgot my phone in the cab - luckily I got it back this time, so phone nr. 5 will have to wait for a while longer). Laughed and cried at the same time when I saw my sister. Showed them around the city, without taking any stress over the touristy stuff - focused on my favourite spots instead. Had the most different, but one of the best Christmases in a while. Flew to Manado, Sulawesi on Christmas day, without a minute of sleep from that night and with tears in my eyes - didn't want to leave the city that had become my home. Spent the last week of the year at this quiet, relaxing, distant dive resort, where the only thing I've done is diving, sleeping and eating - nice and just what I needed after the busy weeks before this. Became a rescue diver along the way. And now I'm going to have a glass of champagne (that we bought at the airport) at the empty beach, but hardly anything else (sinse I'm not sure they have anything else here..), pack by backpack and then, first thing next year, fly to Hong Kong.
Firade nästan 7 månader av året utomlands, i 8 olika länder och för detta flög jag 18 gånger (ugh, känner hur min ekologiska fotspår bara växer och växer..). Dök över 20 dyk, använde 5 telefoner och 5 simkort, fick 21 nya stämpel i passet. Hade två jobb, två hem och varit hemlös däremellan och efter det. Upplevde en miljon saker, lärde mig något nytt varje dag. Skrattade och grät, levde för fullt. Ett rätt bra år, skulle jag säga! GOTT NYTT ÅR ALLA!
Spent almost 7 months of the year abroad, in 8 different countries and flew 18 times because of it (ugh, I can feel my carbon footprint grow and grow..). Did over 20 dives, used 5 telephones and 5 simcards, got 21 new stamps in my passport. Had two jobs, two homes and was homeless in between and after. Experienced a million things, learned something new every day. Laughed and cried, lived fully. Quite I good year, I would say! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
Spent almost 7 months of the year abroad, in 8 different countries and flew 18 times because of it (ugh, I can feel my carbon footprint grow and grow..). Did over 20 dives, used 5 telephones and 5 simcards, got 21 new stamps in my passport. Had two jobs, two homes and was homeless in between and after. Experienced a million things, learned something new every day. Laughed and cried, lived fully. Quite I good year, I would say! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
Happy New Year Stella. :-)
ReplyDeleteYou too, hope it'll be as wicked as ever :) great blog btw!