Så, museet dokumenterar krigets grymheter, och största delen av utställningen består av fotografier på offren i kriget - de som dog, de som torterades, de som föddes med missbildningar orsakade av avlösningsmedel - samt en samling bilder av fotojournalister från båda sidorna i konflikten.
Och jag - jag grät, och jag grät, och jag grät.. Bilderna gjorde ett väldigt intryck på mig, några på grund av den skräck och grymhet de visade, några på grund av historierna bakom dem - och några helt enkelt på grund av deras skönhet. Utan att kunna göra rättvisa till utställningen, lägger jag upp några av mina snabba foton, tillsammans med historien, bildtexten, då jag kom ihåg att inkludera den.
So, the museum documents the atrocities of the war, mostly displaying photographs of the victims of war - the killed, the tortured, the ones born with birth defects caused by defoliants - as well as a collection of the work of photojournalists on both sides of the conflict.
And I - I cried, and I cried, and I cried.. The photos really moved me, some because of the horror and cruelty they displayed, some because of the stories behind them - and some simply because of the beauty of the them. Without being able to make justice to the exhibition, I post some of my quick shots, together with the story, the caption, whenever I remembered to include it.
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I though as a child. But when I became a man, I put away children things." |
Finland supporting Vietnam. |
Sweden supporting Vietnam. |
Victims of Agent Orange, the defoliant used in the war, affecting lives generations later. |
"Little Phan Thi Kim Phuc burned by U.S napalm bomb (Tranng Bang, Tay Ninh Province in 1972)." |
" 'They decide on a water torture. A rag is placed over the man's face and water is poured on it, making breathing impossible'. Members of the 1st Air Cavalry use water torture on prisoner 1968." |
"A GI from the 25th Infantry Division, holding a part of the corpse of a Liberation soldier killed from a grenade launcher (Tay Ninh Province - 1967)." |
"An American soldier with the skull of a Vietnamese patriot." |
"GI's tie up prisoners to their tank and drag them to death." |
" 'When those two boys were shot at, the older one fell on the little one, as if to protect him. Then the guys finished them off.' " |
"ROBERT CAPA, last roll of film, May 25, 1954. Hong river delta- Tonkin. A French military convoy on the road from Nam Dinh to Thai Binh. A Vietnamese peasant steps aside and two soldiers on motorbikes follow the trucks and armored vehicles." |
"HENRI HUET, Bong Son, Binh Dinh, Vietnam, 1966. A Vietnamese mother and her children are framed by the legs of a soldier from the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division." |
"BUI DINH TUY, Ho Chi Minh trail, 1966. A woman soldier of the North Vietnamese Army carrying an ammunition crate wades through a river along the Ho Chi Minh supply trail. The markings on the crate are in English." |
"LARRY BURROWS, Vietnam, 1965. 'One ride with Yankee Papa 13': In a supply shack, the tragic and frustrating mission over, Crew Chief James Farley weeps." |
"DICKEY CHAPELLE, Mekong delta, 1962. A South Vietnamese soldier prepares to execute a Viet Cong prisoner." |
"KYOICHI SAWADA, Quy Nham, Vietnam, 1965. 1966 Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph. A Vietnamese mother and her children wade across a river to escape bomb from a U.S. air strike." |
"KYOICHI SAWADA, Japan, in Vietnam, 1967. Born: February 22, 1936, in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Died: October 28, 1970, in Laos." |
Din berättelse påminner mig om när jag var 12 år och läste "Babi Yar", en sann berättelse om ett koncentrationsläger. Jag blev så chokerad att jag fick feber (kanske skulle jar blivit sjuk ändå men mitt minne kopplar dessa saker ihop). -Det är inte det vanliga folket utan ledarna som är orsaken till sådana grymheter. - Sannfinländarnas popularitet kan ha hemska följder även hos oss.- Sköt om dig älskling,
Chockerande, men hälsosamt att bli lite omskakad nu och då.. Phnom Penh, fängelset S-21, med bilder på folkmordet under Pol Pot - en till verkligen tung upplevelse. Även om jag inte var lika illa berörd.. Nu tillbaka i lilla backpacker-bubblan - sol, stränder och seafood. Ses snart, puss!